Sermon Series Title

Sermon Series Sub-Title

Put the description for your sermon series here. Place your series artwork (if you have it) in the next column and choose it as the featured image for the post.

Tips: If you use the sermon series section on the worship page, be sure to link to link your series in that section it’s corresponding sermon series page.

Even though you’ll find this sample sermon series page in the main menu under “Worship” you may want Series pages to be sub-menu items under “Sermons” or to not appear on the main menu at all.

If your church heavily favors sermon series, you may choose to replace the featured event on the home page with the sermon series artwork linked to it’s corresponding page.


Sample Sermon Four Write an enticing introduction to your service or sermon here. Be sure to set your post format to video or audio as the case may be.

Sample Sermon Three

Sample Sermon Three Write an enticing introduction to your service or sermon here. Be sure to set your post format to video or audio as the case may be.

Sample Sermon Two

Sample Sermon Two Write an enticing introduction to your service or sermon here. Be sure to set your post format to video or audio as the case may be.

Sample Sermon One

Sample Sermon One Write an enticing introduction to your service or sermon here. Be sure to set your post format to video or audio as the case may be.

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